Saturday, May 29, 2010

Weekend with Grammy

BJ and I had the pleasure of spending a quick 24 hours with Grammy last weekend in North Platte. It was great! We stayed overnight in a hotel, swam in the pool, went to a park, shopped, went out to dinner, watched movies in the hotel lobby. I really needed some time to just hang out! Here are a few pics!

Playing on the bed with Grammy

In a Train!

The Joys of Parenting AND My Infatuation with Growing Families International

I'm sure a few of you who read the title of today's blog thought I was being sarcastic, but parenting is truly a joy. I've heard someone say that God give us children so that we can grow and understand his love for us, and this is totally true. I feel blessed to be BJ's mom, everyday (not every moment though, get real!!) His sweet little hugs, his laughs, his soft cheeks, I'm in love with my little man for sure. And although I love being a parent, there are times when your little one knows just what buttons to push! Rubbing Sunbutter (PB alternative) in his hair right as we need to leave for the airport, insisting on holding his own coconut yogurt at the doctor's office only to spill it everywhere, throwing himself to the floor in protest in a public- and not so sanitary place (just to name a few). I have to say though, despite the trials Brandon and I really truly are blessed by BJ. One thing that has been extremely helpful in our lives is a parenting class. It is interesting to hear people's reactions to attending a parenting class. A few of my coworkers ask if I even learn anything or if because I'm intelligent and have medical training it is a waste of time. Others wonder if we are struggling- why would you take a class otherwise? Still others think, well, my parents' didn't take a class and we turned out pretty good, why do you need to take a class? I have to say, I have been truly blessed by our class. It is made up of a group of friends all with kids around BJ's age- ranging (I think) from 8 months to 2 years. We meet weekly to go through material from the Ezzo's and Growing Families International. The Ezzo's most well known book being "Babywise." Despite it's reputation as being cruel and borderline militant, we are all dedicated "Babywise" parents- and are becoming "Toddlerwise." We work on actual "training" with our children- on self control, patience, boundaries, and other virtues with practical advice and activities recommended by the Ezzo's and our facilitators. I have to say that since starting the curriculum, I have felt less frustrated with BJ's occasional tantrums, and have seen some practical applications for our training. Plus, it is great to get together with friends and discuss parenting. AND being on the same page as your spouse in your styles is a huge bonus. I'm not saying we have the perfect behaving child or that we're perfect parents, but that we have tools in place to deal with situations as they arise. I'm definitely going to miss getting together so frequently when the class ends. Bottom line though, if you have a chance to take parenting classes, do it. You will reap the rewards. If you can't, have a plan- it is huge! (I wish I could require parenting classes for so many of my patients' parents- so many issues at home could be avoided with a plan!) And to our class: love you guys- thanks for taking this journey with us!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

BJ at 18 Months

Nicknames: Beej, little man, stinker, lovebug, bug, Captain poopypants, bud, Stink, Little stink, baby boy (I can't help myself), Mister
Weight & Height: 25 lbs 8oz (45%) and 31" (15%)- (poor guy is getting mom's genes in the height currently)
Hair: Blonde
Favorite foods: "ogs" (hot dogs- the turkey, no sugar, nitrite ones his mom lets him have), bread, fruit, berries, applesauce, cheerios, and he LOVES his soy milk
Favorite toys: balls, Diego cart, tools, kitchen pots and pans, tents/tunnels, shoes, hats
Favorite stuffed animal: his "doggie" (and he loves his blankets)
Bedtime: 7 p.m.
Wake-up time: 6 a.m.
Naps: mostly one nap a day for 2-3 hours around 12:30-1, when home with Dad, sometimes 2 2 hour naps
Favorite person: Daddy mostly, but really loves being with Mommy too
Latest Accomplishment: his speech has really picked up, also, he has done a good job working on his behavior- better with time outs, asking for help, asking please (don't get me wrong, he's still a toddler)
Likes: playing with Mommy and Daddy, "reading", going for walks/playing outside, "cooking", coloring/sidewalk chalk, "driving" the car (with Daddy into the garage), fixing cars with Daddy, playing on Mommy and Daddy's bed, cleaning/sweeping, digging in the garden
Dislikes: having to come inside, being dropped off at his sitter's in the morning, diaper changes, zucchini, green beans, black beans
What he is saying: apple, uh-oh, "og" (dog), "ock" (sock), "uck" (truck), Dada, Mama, up, "juiz" (shoes), book, doggie, "itty" (kitty), "hep" (help), hi, ball, bye-bye, night- night
What he is signing: all done, more, please, water, help, thank you, milk, eat
What gets said about BJ most often: how cute he is, and more so- how well mannered
Best known for: his expressions
Fears: suffocating with his inhaler?, Mommy or Daddy leaving him
Health: doing better, only a few colds this year, gastroenteritis (stomach flu)
How he's like Daddy: he likes Mommy, has a mischevious grin at times, loves to "drive the car", mostly laid back personality, work on the car and outside, take napps
How he's like Mommy: his coloring, his hugs, love of cuddling (at least while he reads)
Funny things he's done lately: cover his eyes with his hands, but look out through the fingers, "clean" our already clean oven with a wet sponge, getting upset when he accidentally peed on one of his favorite books, signing "all done" from the backseat on car rides, asking to sit on the couch and clapping when the TV got turned on (he doesn't watch any TV at all- it is really never on with him around!), "sliding" down the stairs on his belly- really fast, blow kisses by putting his hand over his mouth and blowing through the fingers, taking his pj pants and diaper off one night in bed, putting pants on upside down, putting another pair of pants on over his current ones

That's probably enough for now. The pics:

"Cool dudes" at the zoo
Friends from church L to R Luke, Kirina, Nicholas, BJ

Helping Daddy work on the car

Heading out on the Diego car

"Gotta get to work Mom" (notice the tape measure on his pants)