Saturday, August 30, 2008

32 weeks

So we've made it to the 32 week mark! The baby continues to grow- I hadn't thought my belly was getting to much bigger but Brandon (nicely) shares with me that it definitely is. My mom says once you get big you don't notice getting bigger- I definitely think that is the case. You can judge for yourself below. I've finished my easy month of work and will be starting a busier schedule coming up on Monday- call every 4 days, 80 hour work weeks- I definitely have been spoiled lately- it will be a shock to my system, but I'm anxious to get back to my clinic. We'll see how I survive no sleep and potentially being on my feet 30 hours in a row. (Plus, my belly may make deliveries a bit more complicated!) But despite the size of the baby, things are going well. I'm still working out, but run much less than before- there is a lot to carry especially at that speed! (I'm sure I'm going at a snail's pace, but you know).

The great news is that Brandon got offered (and has accepted) another job!! He will be working in logistics- back in an office, but faster paced and more demanding that his previous office job. God really blessed us with this one, and we are thrilled- plus they were quite complimentary towards Brandon and his skills which is great to know his new company already appreciates him (as they definitely should)! So he'll be starting in a little less than 2 weeks and will have a 2 week training in MN in Sept. (which will be a bummer to have him gone, but better to do it now than after the baby). His job will be much closer to the house with a faster commute and flexible hours- such a blessing!

Last weekend we had the extreme privledge of attending Katarina's (Brandon's niece) first dance recital. It was so awesome to get to see her (age 3) doing ballet on the stage (even if there was a significant amount of standing around and watching the other girls in her class). So for fun, I'll attach 2 pics from that day- she looked so cute in her outfit. Plus, Brandon and I were a big hit since we got her a flower to celebrate her big day- she carried it around the house most of the rest of the afternoon! Such a big girl!!!
She's the one looking over to the girl next to her with her hands crossed on her skirt!
Sorry- I know it is fuzzy, but its hard to take a pic of yourself with one hand!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our little chunk

So last Friday I had the repeat ultrasound to follow up on our big baby (>98% in size) and he's still big. At this gestation he should be approximately 3 lbs in weight and he's estimated to be 4 lb 7 oz. Fabulous! I'm glad he's healthy (at least you would assume so with that weight) but not looking forward to how big he will continue to get!! Funny, before I got pregnant I thought I would be one of those cute petite gals who hardly show- didn't count Brandon's genes into the mix :). So oh well. So we're counting on a big baby and praying for a relatively short labor! (I of all people know very well this is likely not going to be the case, but we can always pray- God is in the business of miracles!) Plus, my exercising has to help for something!!

I'm starting to get a little more uncomfortable- very normal I know for the third trimester, (Sat I'll be 31 weeks). I wake up not feeling overly rested as I'm tossing and turning a lot, and I'm having more back, head, and feet pain. So I'm hitting the Tylenol when necessary, and smiling through it! (or trying). We've been blessed with a ton of things for the baby, so I think now we just need to get a dresser, a camcorder, and some more clothes and we'll have the big things taken care of. (Oh and decide on a daycare- such a minor thing). In the daycare running, I'm a former West Omaha snob now South Denver snob who wants the best (or at least a nicer place)- so my favorite is pricey (but cheaper than a nanny which is a popular choice for those in my profession), but very conveinient and clean. Brandon is still researching if there are any options through our church (including in home centers) so we'll see.

Anyway, I'll post some of the ultrasound pics- not as great as the last ones- the umbilical cord is in the way of his face.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

29 weeks and counting. . .

So I think blogging was a great idea, in theory, but obviously, I struggle to find time to keep you all updated! My apologies, Im sure we have lost "subscribers" due to my lack of writing more consistently. Updates:

The Pregnancy:

So I'm 29 weeks, 3 days today, still getting lovely comments about how I look a lot bigger than I should be, but the doctors are not overly concerned. I have another ultrasound this Friday to measure his growth velocity, more for information sake. Still the thinking is that it is genetics causing him to be so big. Although I can say I would like to kiss the people who think I've only gained a belly, no where else or who say I just look like a swallowed a basketball! I'm feeling pretty good, although my large belly does cause me some discomfort, and I started taking a nice H2 blocker- Zantac for heartburn that so far does the trick.

The Recent Shower:

Thanks so much to everyone who was able to make it to the recent shower, our little guy is already definitely spoiled! We had a shower in Omaha, which was wonderful- but a short trip. Miranda and my aunts planned it and did a great job. My sis made homemade gorgeous invites and napkin holders, my aunt's daugher-in-law made an amazing cake (always appreciate especially when you are pregnant and a Cross woman!), and my other aunt made cream cheese mints, someone (I think my cousin) made awesome cucumber sandwiches! Listen to me talk about food- you'd think I was 400 lbs! We had a great turnout and got some really great gifts! We have a few more incidentals to pick up (and a dresser) but we're getting really close to being ready for the new arrival!! It is amazing, but Brandon and I were back for approximately 36 hours in Omaha, but probably the longest we've been back since April 2007. Way sad! It was great to see everyone, and we're hoping to be able to spend more time at Christmas.

The basement:

I can't remember if I've mentioned it on the blog, but we are trying to finish the basement before the baby comes. It's coming along well, although somewhat slowly. We've got a laundry room built, a bathroom mostly done, but still need to do the ceiling, wet bar, and entertainment center- what an undertaking. But it looks good, and is kind of exciting. I love pointing out exactly which walls I've buit myself. But really Brandon has done a great job with it- he does the majority of the work- I'm so proud of him. Here's a pic of the bathroom, a few workdays ago.

The car:

Those of you who know Brandon well know that he loves his car(s). He has been a rotary guy (a different type of engine than piston engines that are traditional) since turning sixteen, never without an RX7. The one we've had recently, he has owned for 7 years- a record of sorts. It is a gorgeous car (but needs a paint job), and has great memories in it, since he had it through our later years dating, we were chased through Lincoln by crazy guys in trucks in it, we (or more he) has rebuilt the engine more than once I think, and we drove away from our wedding in the "anniversary" (it is a special edition RX7). But alas, we have traded the RX7 in. Brandon, already being a great dad, has traded his "baby" (the car) in for a slightly heavier, less powerful Toyota Supra with a back seat. Mind you, it is still a sports car, but much more kid friendly. It was sad to see the RX7 go with all the memories, but definitely the right choice given our upcoming addition. So now in addition to the work on the basement, he is working hard on getting the Supra just how he wants it before the little guy comes (and before the snow comes). The old car:

The new car (sorry not the greatest pic) but this is B and my dad putting it on the trailer so we could tow it back to Denver, a long painful drive!


Work has slowed down for me this month, I'm working in an urban underserved clinic with the majority of patients either uninsured or Spanish speaking only. The nice part is that I have weekends and even Fridays off. I honestly don't know what to do with myself- it is awesome! I'm really enjoying using my Spanish and dusting off vocabulary that I haven't used in quite some time, while figuring out how to get patients through the system of healthcare without money or insurance. Definitely challenging. Brandon is still loving his job, although is investigating whether or not a different field may be better off long term with his health-he'd like to keep his lungs, knees, and sinuses healthy! So he has some leads, and definitely has some unique skills, so I'm praying God brings him the perfect position (and it would help daycare costs some if it paid just a bit more!)

Anyway, I think that is probably enough for now, if you've made it this far on that long update, I'm thoroughly impressed. I'll post another belly shot, although I had to take this one myself (so it has my cheesy pic smile!). I'll update you more after I get some more ultrasound pics later this week! Love you all!