Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our little chunk

So last Friday I had the repeat ultrasound to follow up on our big baby (>98% in size) and he's still big. At this gestation he should be approximately 3 lbs in weight and he's estimated to be 4 lb 7 oz. Fabulous! I'm glad he's healthy (at least you would assume so with that weight) but not looking forward to how big he will continue to get!! Funny, before I got pregnant I thought I would be one of those cute petite gals who hardly show- didn't count Brandon's genes into the mix :). So oh well. So we're counting on a big baby and praying for a relatively short labor! (I of all people know very well this is likely not going to be the case, but we can always pray- God is in the business of miracles!) Plus, my exercising has to help for something!!

I'm starting to get a little more uncomfortable- very normal I know for the third trimester, (Sat I'll be 31 weeks). I wake up not feeling overly rested as I'm tossing and turning a lot, and I'm having more back, head, and feet pain. So I'm hitting the Tylenol when necessary, and smiling through it! (or trying). We've been blessed with a ton of things for the baby, so I think now we just need to get a dresser, a camcorder, and some more clothes and we'll have the big things taken care of. (Oh and decide on a daycare- such a minor thing). In the daycare running, I'm a former West Omaha snob now South Denver snob who wants the best (or at least a nicer place)- so my favorite is pricey (but cheaper than a nanny which is a popular choice for those in my profession), but very conveinient and clean. Brandon is still researching if there are any options through our church (including in home centers) so we'll see.

Anyway, I'll post some of the ultrasound pics- not as great as the last ones- the umbilical cord is in the way of his face.

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