Thursday, January 10, 2013

My caring children

Some days I don't agree with this blog post title. . .but when I really think about it, they are.  Case in point today:  I've been struggling with some nasty tendinitis in my right shoulder since July.  I've done months of physical therapy, a steroid injection, and had to modify my activities  including bicep curling BJ- which breaks my heart.  It has improved, but still limits me some, and has been irritating me.  Today BJ even asked me if we could work out together (Yay!) and if he could climb on my back for push-ups (bummer- since I'm not supposed to be doing push-ups).  I realize that I'm still really active, but there have been some moderate annoyances that have limited some of my activities, and I'm not ready to feel this old :).  So today, I went to see an orthopedic surgeon to get some more help.  He offered another directed injection, and I jumped at the chance given how much the last one helped.  So my sweet wonderful children sat calmly and quitely next to me on the table while a doc put a large needle in my shoulder.  BJ even held my hand and offered that I could squeeze it tight if it hurt.  What wonderful caring kids- so proud.  Here's hoping we'll be back to bicep curls and "weighted" push-ups soon.

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