Anika is a bit delayed in her expressive speech- I have no doubt she will not stop talking after this improves, but we are working with a wonderful speech therapist Judy. In 3-4 sessions Anika is signing and attempting to speak more. It's great! Officially I think her first word was mama, but since we kept waiting for more and better defined words, we may have missed the next few. Now she signs please, all done, more, sleep, milk, and sometimes shoe. She is saying quite a bit more too- mama, dada, brother (which is a bit more like bo-bo), please, yes, no, wa (for water), uh oh, sometimes up, happy (although we haven't heard it in a while), bubble, hop. Today after Judy was here she did animal sounds really well. It is so cute to hear her say "ruff, ruff" "meow" "moo" and occasionally "quack, quack" She's so proud of herself. AND she loves her "school" when Judy comes- she has started running around like crazy when she comes. What a sweet talking girl.
Here we are at the zoo on the Carousel.
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