Saturday, February 14, 2009

Update and Happy Valentine's Day

o  BJ is doing better, although RSV hangs on for quite a while.  He is only barely wheezing now, and only has minimal retractions, but his cough is gone.  He is working on sleeping better at daycare- yesterday actually had a great day with a nap that was 1 hour long and one that was 1.5 hours long!  Yeah!!  His ezcema looks so much better now that I've cut out dairy- but we definitely hope that will be a temporary insensitivity- I love my cheese and milk (plus I'd hate for him to have dietary restrictions when he is older.)  He is growing up so fast and definitely has his own personality.  He LOVES to talk and will jabber for minutes on end- so much so that he has to go to the nursery at church because he interjects to much in the sermon- which our pastor likes, but needs to be timed right! :)  He has started rolling over (somewhat inconsistently) from his belly to his back, but of course just got mad the three times this morning I tried to videotape it!  (Little stinker)  He is a favorite at daycare we are told- and evidenced by the fact they all missed him while he was sick.  He lost a little weight last week with RSV, but is quickly putting it back on (I think).  So that is good.  

Otherwise, the week has been somewhat chaotic- I had jury duty on Monday- but got dismissed, they didn't want to give me pumping time.  Then Wed. night we spent 3 hours cleaning up doggie diarrhea on our new carpet downstairs- it looks great now, but I need to do a little bit more since you can still smell it when you put your nose in that space- (good thing we love our dog because we just about lost it when that happened).  Thursday was my birthday and I had a nightmare of a schedule at work and my breastpump stopped working- a bit of a crisis.  I got some milk out with a handpump and then went to see my next patient who argued and yelled at me- I walked out and just cried.  (Being a mom makes an already emotional gal even worse).  My program was very accomodating and made arrangements for me to be off early (around 1:30) so I could go buy a new pump.  I got the latest and greatest model which is portable (the size of a large palm pilot) and is hands free- which I enjoy.  We went out to eat with BJ and had a nice evening at home- which salvaged the day!  

Brandon and BJ are developing quite the bond- Brandon keeps saying how cool his son is- which is great to see, but they also work against me sometimes- saying all Brandons in the house need to go to bed now (8 p.m.) which makes me laugh, but I am outnumbered!  Brandon is doing his first Sat. morning at work today, which was definitely a change having him leave for work on the weekend, but I don't think they were supposed to be very busy.  Anyway, we have our typical weekend plans of working on the house and playing with BJ, so I better get to it.

Here are some recent pics.
Opening Grammy's card for V-day (his shirt says my heart belongs to mommy- Thanks Aunt Maria)

Daddy and BJ at the SuperBowl party- BJ rooted for the Bronco's (ok not really but it is his only NFL shirt)

Playing with his horse

1 comment:

Aaron said...

You guys look great, sure sorry to hear about the recent illnesses. BJ is getting sooo big. I spent awhile today getting caught up or your happenings, and realize that we miss you guys, even though it has been a very long time. I hope things improve/stay well in CO.