Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Good Mommy

There are times when thinking of all the ways I've failed as a mom today are easier than coming up with the ways I've succeeded.  And tonight feels like one of them- should I have played more?  The day raced by,and I got things done but what about spending time with my kiddos.  So here is my list of what I did right as a mom today.

-I cheered, high fived, and thumbs-upped their accomplishments in the pool
-I made a lunch and dinner that was nutritious and "yummy"
-I had yummy snacks
-I brought hot chocolate to warm up with at the pool so they wouldn't be so cold coming out of the pool
-I ate pretend cakes and answered questions about my favorite ingredients to get it just right
-I let them jump in and out of the running stroller during my run
-I bought colored goldfish just for them
-I carried bikes to the backyard for them to play
-I kissed numerous owies
-I sat and read him a book he loves
-I gave hugs and kisses at bedtime
-My kids know I love them

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