Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2 week check up

Yesterday we had our 2 week check up- he is growing so fast!! The goal for the 2 week check up is for him to be back to birth weight by this date- this tells us he is getting enough to eat and growing appropriately. Well, he definitely passed that goal! He now weighs 9 lbs 4 oz, is 20 1/4 inch long, and has a 15 inch head! He definitely loves his breastmilk and doesn't miss any meals! It was great though to see that he is growing so well. Dr. Jill says he looks great- no concerns from her standpoint. And since he is growing so well, we decided to let him decide when he wants to eat at night (provided he doesn't sleep longer than 5 hours straight at this stage in the game). So last night, he had 2 stretches where he went 4 hours between feeds (instead of the usual 3) which was wonderful!! Amazing what one more hour does for you when you've not slept longer than 2.5 hour stretches in over 2 weeks! He continues to be such a good baby- sleeping great at night, happy (for the most part during the day) except for baths, getting dressed, diaper changes, and when mom doesn't get to feeding fast enough! He was lucky enough to meet Grandma and Grandpa Workman this weekend, and had a full weekend of being ooh'ed and ahh'ed over- and being held every chance he could get. I think everyone had a good time! Also, yesterday, BJ and I took a trip up to Daddy's office so the proud papa could show off his guy- everyone commented how cute he was- rightly so! So things continue to be great with the Workman fam- thanks to everyone for the calls, visits, meals, cards, and gifts- I'll get thank you notes out one of these days!! More pics of our beautiful boy:

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Grrr... distance... I'm stoked to meet him in DECEMBER. The first picture looks SOOOO much like you, and YOU look GREAT in the last pic! Love you, girl